08 December, 2011


There is nice traditional Czech Christmas decoration called just Betlehem. It's scene fom born of the baby Jesus made from almost any material.

I made mine, paper cutout one. I love when the cutout is made and finally fit together. do you have the same experience?

05 December, 2011

Greenland Whale

There's new item in my Etsy shop. It's Greenland Whale.
I red Moby Dick recently. It's fascinating book although pretty much nothing is happening in it. I just ate it (as we say in Czech).

Enjoy this Greenland Whale with it's pocket treasury mouth.

my Etsy shop

Drawings in my drawer grew in numbers every day. So I decided to open my own Etsy shop. You can find it here. I hope my listings will make you happy and will come useful in time of upcoming Christmas holidays.

03 May, 2011

lost and found

on old backup DVD from my old computer i found some photos i thought are lost. it's a big joy to find old photos even on computer. that's why i started to develope the photos so i can hold them in hands and so hold the live memories.

i guess you understand.



i bought pentel brush pen i dreamed about for quite a long time.
i sketch again, thanks god. hope it's going to last some time.
well it certenly needs some amount of concentration and good will to stick to regular sketching.

14 March, 2011


i just spended beautifull afernoon being ill and drawing ornaments according to these really clever links  (1, 2).
i am very poor in drawing sence i came back from lithuainia. i hope i will be able to restart again.

11 February, 2011


fast coloring of picture drawn according to photo of my friend
she is young girl i know from our summer caps. and she's a manga freak.

she wears great dresses and menage to take really good photos of her self. although i am not fan of this self-exhibiting photos, i have to admitt she's really damn good at it.

see her blog this way

20 January, 2011

desperate need of creation

i am largening my death collection. a alaso started little strip and i really enjoy it. i hope to publish it soon.

well, sometimes it's so desperately hard to get into drawings. although i know not many people read my blog and although i know i am not really thorough in posting schedule this small internet space is sometimes the only way that keeps me in doing something free and imaginatory.

and death related...