27 January, 2009


that's how we rehears puppet theater
it's called "dreams about buffalos"
and i wrote it from collection of indian myths.

it would b performence for children.
and it's huge fun rehearsing it!


just briefly
that's how it ended with my hand-sewed animals.
i like that cat the most, i think.
although this grey mouse-dog, or what it is... is realy funny.

26 January, 2009


four of my friends have birthday party today.
i want to give them something handmade.
so i was looking for some inspiration on internet and i found these beautiful owls at smosch.com

so i tried to make something like that...
but my fabric suplies was low
my hand sewing skills raw
and i made it in rush

but still. we've ejoyed much fun with the owl with my brothers yesterday... so i hope my friends would like it.

the rest of the presents will be made during todays rehearsal.

25 January, 2009


i saw thousand kinds of sweaters
and i find myself the ONE in 3 hours of shopping

why thay can't make just simple sweaters???

but it's true, when you look at something like this, or this... you stop desire anything simple.

diary excersise

at the end i bought this one in HandM

22 January, 2009

diary excersise

memory that i have is bit blurred in my mind
and i know it mire from tales of my parents.

me and my imaginary cat!


legendary Jan Kaplický has died the same day his son was born.

(right... as in my comment correctly mentioned: it's daughter)

and now everyone is trying more then before, to make his national library in prague to be build.

it's ironic.
it's sad.
beacouse there was so much politic argueing about that.

20 January, 2009


my morning.
i couldn't sleep cause of teeth pain.
yesterday i forfeit my last tooth of wisdom.

19 January, 2009


in the name of filling gaps in my films knowladge
i saw breakfast at tiffany's

and i think that it immediately run at the top of romatic films i ever saw.
together with you've got a mail and sense and sensibility

and it increased my desire to visit new york...
one day...


so that's all for the snow
i am affraid.

18 January, 2009


in our new performence
we have a painter who paints a picture.
through all the performence.
3 and half hours.

yesterday, I was the painter.
but battery in my camera went off so i didn't take a picture of it.

but there's a painting i made like inspirational exersise before yesterday performence.
it isn't really close to the oil painting i made that evening.
but i think it's interesting combination of painting and drawing
i decided to explore it closely in future.

16 January, 2009


in recent time i saw several interesting films.

the duchess

another from the line of historical films with kiera knightly
i am not sure, if this film left any message in me...
just story of love affairs and hard times of women 200 years ago...

curious case of benjamin button
story of men getting younger instead of getting old...
but besides that...
whole story does not contain any metaphor... no message also.
but it contains good acting of brad pitt and cate blanchett and also great soundtrack

but what made me happy, was film called the fall
great film about little girl and men who is trying to commit suecide
and about story the man tells to that girl.
great pictures and music!

and at least i saw
marie antoinette
excelent picture with great soundtrack and amazing camera.
copolla rules!


new part of comic for tarzicius is out.
i think i am getting better and better in coloring it.
but i have still much to learn...

10 January, 2009


sup shots from our rehearsals again.
we came back to tabel.

premiere is next week. on thusday.

i am so looking forward it!

07 January, 2009


all day long rehearsing in theatre.
don't have much time for internet (thanks god!), blog, fashion or drawing eather.

but this captures my mind:
this post from shiny sqirrel
frank frazetta at golden age comic book

good day to you all!

photo by: Jiří N. Jelínek

my photos from "twelfth night" and "waiting"

06 January, 2009


snow in prague.
i don't remember when it was the last time
that prague was covered under that white blanket.

and look at these parisian snow photos from grance doré blog.
it looks like all world is silent and white...