28 September, 2008


do you want to know something about google chrome?
see this


i have to say i always voted for roberd redford as the most handsome form buch cassidy and sundance kid duo
but as i went through photos of paul newman yesterday
i have to admit:
he is charming!

hope you are now getting better, paul!

25 September, 2008


my friend wanted me to draw him "a very cool beaver".
so here they are

as a pay for last drawing i made for him
i was invited at the dinner
to very luxury italien restaurant

he promisse to take me into greek one this time.

23 September, 2008


i just fond new group on flickr:
home made fashion

feel free to join, if you have any designs, products or ideas to share.
it's made for those, who sew their own clothing and so creating their own original wardrobe.


my new wide pants.
i made them in like 3 hours.
and it took me like 3 weeks of thinking on it.

but they are so comfortable!


today arrived one of my so called birthday presents.
i am fascinated by this cups.
so airy, thin...

classical product of czech design in firs half of 20th century.

21 September, 2008


my birthday presents:
album with mix of my photos and newspaper headers.
my brother's work.
and short history of comic.

i immidately used both as inspiration for new moleskine picture.

13 September, 2008


as i was talking about my room and the big order.
i just found this page
with photos from several known_people's houses.


this photo is of one of those weird objects
i found while cleaning.

headless bird...

11 September, 2008


this is the moment i've been waiting for months:
i had enought time to do the big order.

i took photo every 15 min.
i throw away like 10 kg of waste.
i found many pictures from like 10 and more years back.
and i saw it is good.

i'll post some pics in next posts.

10 September, 2008


na ok.
my new moleskine picture.
after long long time.

the writing is not visible, but inside the silhouette is writen:
snění - dreaming

more will come soon.


i am in working process again.
next part of comic is comming to birth.
this is half of the first sheet.

next sheet is in progress right now.

i hope it will be much better than the last part.


5th year of festival VyšeHrátky ended just this sunday and it was simply excelent.
i didn't expect that we can organise something such big.
these are just few photos from it.

it was based on prague legends.
we've build large playground with twelve sights inspired by the legends.
so childern could play and learn something from history of prague and czech rep.