31 October, 2007

photo of the day

i went for walk. i love sunsets on our estate. concrete and clouds.

photo of the day

from rehearsals of fairy tale. it's not going how thay want to but it's funny and entertaining. and thay will have nice costumes!

29 October, 2007

image of the day

sketches for my new comix "2 minute stories" i have made comming home by tram with loud music in my ears. everybody around was watching, but i didn't mind. it was like... strange state of mind... fully dived in it...

28 October, 2007

event of the day

photos from opening night of komixfest. t-shirts, books, fashion shows, and projection of barbarella.

i am going to draw!

(more from the fashion show here or here)

new blogs!!!

it seems i am starting to be seriously addicted on blogging. several time ago i started new blog called DRESS OF THE DAY. yesterday i runed next one, tribute to maditi, CZINA LIKES.

26 October, 2007

event of the day

yesterday evening we had the flat-market in flat of my cousin. we brought clothes we didn't want to wear any more and made a great hill of clothes in the middle of my cousin's room and in great whril started to try dresses, t-shirts, scarfs,...

we had great deal of fun, drinking red wine and disturb my cousin's flatmate from work. so he has to join us.

23 October, 2007

image of the day

i bought a special fountain pen with brush, you can fil up with china ink and it draws. so my notes from lectures in last time looks like this.

i love the track of this pen.

18 October, 2007

image of the day

notes from lesson of modern stage design and costume design movement

i won!!

i won weplaythis contest found on tage wie dieser. it's threadles §50 coupon. i didn't except that. bud i don't know now which one to choose. i can now order 2 shirts, but what about order one for me and one for... who? there will be christmas soon, but i have 3 brothers and 1 sister and parents of course and friends... pf... what a complicated situation to do some resolution. here are my leading choices.

16 October, 2007

photo of the day

i love mornings in late time. full of sun and when you go out it's freezing. i hope it will last all winter (except the days when t will be snowing of course).

15 October, 2007

photo of the day

we had the bridge-bar-picnic with my friend tereza. we bought grape and smoked rose-apple cigaretts and had a great deal of talk in the last rays of sunlight.
we had talk about our sisters and hysteric mates and about bergamn's films and tereza's boyfriend and his parents... just the ordinary late day picnic talk.

and it was perfect. then i went to HandM buy a winter jacket and when i get home, the moon was right above panel houses...

dress of the day

my new dress. i made it, finaly, after long preparations. it reminds me of al the jane austin films and books i ever read. sewing it was like sewing from lettuce salad. the fabric is so... crispy like. on the other hand airy and soft.

i love it...

dream of the day

tonight i was traveling in small car on psychedelic ways, light changing, seeing bizzare creatures, horses with red eyes, traveling through gardens with home-made-houses and inside people in vintage cloths having party. it was all that colorefull i woke up with strong desire to took my holga and go taking photos.

these hotos are not sadly mine but from lomo.de

14 October, 2007

photo of the day

today is tzhe next sunny autumn morning. my cheek is still swollen, but i am thinking about little picnic in park with some of my friends. thermos flask with tea, pie and lots of warm sweaters... yeah, i'll do it!

13 October, 2007

my moleskine


photo of the day

i was on teeth extraction on friday. now i have my right cheek twice bigger and headache. sitting infroint of the tv and can't make myself to work on something constructive.

the only thing i can do is prepare a desgn for my new dress.

09 October, 2007

photo of the day

yesterday sunny morning i wanted to have breakfast like on simply breakfast. peach, apple pie and tea... i made everithing looks tasty and than i found out the peach was bit older than i expected.

so i had to throw it away.

but the mum's classical apple pie... the most tasty breakfast at all!

07 October, 2007

my moleskine

photo of the day

from the best sweetshop in prague and from the yard of tearoom when we (me and my friend) have spended yesterday afternoon.

and we had a great deal of talk!

dress of the day

i made it for my friend. she chose this fabric in july, but now i had finaly the energy and time to make it.

quite good job, if i can boast a little.

05 October, 2007

photo of the day

that's how my life looks like in recent time. this photo is part of project called i am too sad to tell you. very ... hm ... intimate and sincere. it's sencere information about my life actually.

i love crying. i like to be sad. but somtimes things start to be over line of tolerance. like this two months sadness of mine.

time for a change.