31 March, 2007
The Very Blue Bird
29 March, 2007
I am working on the next part of comix for ome magazine. It doesnť work how I wish to. But I am learning. With every part, every frame, I am closer to perfection!
Wish me good luck!
27 March, 2007
This is my new descovery: Lomo Photos. Lomo is old simple camera from USSR. Some Vieneze studentzs bring it at home as souvenire. And so they unloose new feshion. This is something realy excelent.
I think about buying one, cause they are not so expensive: + - 50 Euro. Good price!
There is one shop in Prague, where you can buy your own LOMO: Qubus
Qubus design ( shop & studio )
Rámová 3
110 00 Praha 1
26 March, 2007
TV Experience
We were shooting on FAMU last week. It was our half a year performence - cuted scenes from A. P. Čechov.
It was good experience to see how it's "live show" made.
On the photo is one of our actresses - Kristýna Hrušínská. She played Irina from Three Sisters.
We were surprised how this scene looked on TV. suddenly it become total soap-opera. But in theater it is the most emocional and serious scene.
19 March, 2007
Blankets Under My Depresion
I bet I called bad weather. I wanted to read any comix, so I put that word in search engine in our library. Only one that was present (from 500 others) was Craig Thompson's Blankets.
I red it in one breath. Some parts was so similar to my real life... I felt under depresion.
I was comming asleep at warm evening after fantastic sunny spring day and I woke up under deep gray freezing sky.
But the comix is realy fantasticly writen.
14 March, 2007
Skirt Mania
Last time I get into my hands some old fashioned dresses with fantastic flower texture. And I immediately make a list of skirts I want to remake from them.
Number 2. I made for my sister from delightful japanise fabric and number 5. I made yesterday from BandW flower fabric. realy nice, believe me!
12 March, 2007
time for walks
Lat's see how to make your springtime walks more interesting. If you need some help take a look on this page.
Silly Walks Generator
10 March, 2007
Drawing Drawing
I am getting back to drawing. After more than one year I am triing to recover my drawing skills. This is portrates of my mates on one bit langhty bit not at all boring lecture of antropology of theatre.
I hope I will soon be back in full stranght of the picture that I was two years ago.
07 March, 2007
Fucking Spring
Originally uploaded by Czina.
OH fuck fuck fuck. I don't want spring again! You see all the sun and happy faces and couples comming round hand in hand! Yes, that's the point!!!
01 March, 2007
On The Way To Brno
We were on way to Brno. Me and my friends Kristyna and Pavel. We spoke about many things and than it turned at appreciative subject: music. Pavel had surprised us with his discography. We found in his player things like Cat Power, Kate Bush, Tori Amos, Norah Jones, ... A can't thing of anything alse, but it was 12GB of fantastic music. Kristyna didn't know Kate Bush so Pavel was trying to describe to her what kind of music it is. He described this music video.
And all day we were trying to clap eyes on like Kate Bush.